
girl covering her face with both hands

What does a dream about hiding mean?

A dream in which you hide or conceal yourself can indicate feelings of fear, insecurity or feeling that you are not seen or heard. It could also mean that you are trying to avoid or suppress something that is not healthy for you, such as certain emotions or situations. It can be helpful to explore why you want to hide yourself and find ways to develop more self-confidence and communicate openly with others about important issues in your life.

A dream about hiding can also symbolise:

Anxiety or stress: A dream about hiding can indicate that you are feeling anxious or stressed about something in your life. You may be facing difficult decisions or challenges, and not know how to deal with them.

Lack of confidence: If you are hiding in your dream, it could indicate a lack of confidence in yourself or others. It could be that you are afraid of failure or that you are not sure who you can or cannot trust.

Avoiding confrontation: Another interpretation of a dream about hiding is that you may be trying to avoid a confrontation. It could be that you are afraid of a confrontation with someone you know, or that you are trying to avoid a conflict.

Need for peace and privacy: Sometimes a dream about hiding can indicate that you need peace and privacy. You may be dealing with a lot of stress and chaos in your life, and need time to unwind and sort out your thoughts.

Suppressed emotions: A dream about hiding can also indicate repressed emotions or feelings that you are trying to avoid. You may be struggling to express your emotions and suppressing them. This dream may remind you that it is important to be open about your feelings and express them.

What does a dream about hiding yourself mean?

A dream in which you are hiding symbolises that you are keeping or withholding something secret. Perhaps you want to reveal something before someone finds out. Or this dream symbolises that you are running away from situations, people or problems. It could be that you are afraid to face a situation or that you are not paying enough attention to a problem.

Dreams about hiding from something specific

What does a dream about hiding from someone mean?

A dream in which you hide yourself from someone symbolises feelings of shame, fear, insecurity or embarrassment in relation to that person. It can also mean that you are trying to avoid or suppress something in yourself that you don't want that person to see or know. See also the dream meaning of hide

What does a dream about hiding from an authority figure mean?

A dream in which you hide from someone in authority (such as the police, a parent, or a teacher) symbolises shame or guilt.

To dream of hiding something specific

What does a dream about hiding something mean?

A dream in which you hide something symbolises feelings of shame, guilt or fear of revealing certain things in your life. This dream can also mean that you are trying to avoid or suppress something that is not healthy for you, such as certain emotions or behaviours. See also the dream meaning of hide

What does a dream about hiding objects mean?

A dream in which you hide items from others symbolises being thrifty, not wanting to share something or being annoyed by the greed of others.

What does a dream about hiding in a closet mean?

A dream in which you hide yourself in a closet can indicate feelings of fear, insecurity or feeling out of control of your surroundings. It could also mean that you want to suppress or avoid certain emotions or behaviours, or that you are trying to keep something secret from others.

What does a dream about hiding in a corner mean?

A dream in which you hide in a corner symbolises that you are afraid someone will hurt you. You may feel embarrassed, confused, or alone.

Dreams where someone else is hiding

What does a dream in which someone else is hiding mean?

A dream in which someone is hiding symbolises insecurity, anxiety or distrust in relation to that person. It could also mean that that person is trying to avoid or suppress certain emotions or behaviours, or that you are afraid that that person will not show themselves fully to you.

What does a dream where someone else is hiding from you mean?

A dream in which someone is hiding from you symbolises that someone is hiding something from you or is ashamed of something. This dream can also symbolise that someone wants to shirk their obligations, or that you are too pushy and curious towards others.

What does a dream mean in which someone is hiding objects from you?

A dream in which someone else is hiding something from you may indicate feelings of distrust, suspicion or uncertainty about that person or their intentions. It may also mean that you cannot understand certain information or emotions from that person, or that you feel that the person is hiding something important from you. It may be helpful to explore where these feelings are coming from and if there are ways to communicate openly with that person and develop an understanding of their situation. See also the dream meaning of hide

Dreams about playing hide and seek

What does a dream about playing hide and seek mean?

A dream in which you play hide and seek symbolises that you are keeping information or a secret that you can no longer keep. Or this dream symbolises excitement, excitement or pleasure in exploring unknown territories or discovering new things within yourself. This dream may also mean that you are trying to avoid or suppress something you don't want others to see or know, or that you are looking for ways to protect yourself from criticism or judgement from others. It may be helpful to explore why you are playing this game in your dream and whether there are ways to be more open and confident in your daily life. See also the dream meaning of play

What does a dream about playing hide and seek mean and you have to hide?

A dream in which you play hide and seek symbolises that to you not revealing or sharing something. Or this dream symbolises a longing for your childhood when life was more carefree and simple.

What does a dream about playing hide and seek mean?

A dream in which you play hide and seek someone symbolises your curious mind and your desire to unravel more information about a particular situation. Or this dream symbolises that you long for your childhood when life was more carefree and simple.

Other dreams about hiding

What does a dream about hiding something from a child mean?

A dream in which you hide something from a child symbolises that you are unable to deal with some difficulties that started in your childhood. Possibly you are currently shortchanging your inner child or not protecting yourself enough.

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